I endured undiagnosed Lyme for years before finally getting diagnosed and treated. My story is unfortunately very similar to so many— I’d seen multiple doctors, running a gamut of tests, before anyone even thought of testing for Lyme and it’s co-infections. I have since learned that Lyme is most commonly identified by psychiatrists, not primary care physicians.
Already a practicing psychotherapist when I received the diagnosis, I began bringing my own direct experience of the illness and it’s neuropsychiatric effects into my clinical understanding and diagnostic framework with my clients. I am passionate about spreading the news about the impacts of neuro-inflammation in the brain and on mental health. This inflammation is the result of pathogens like Lyme and Bartonella, parasites like Babesia, mold toxicity, multiple chemical sensitivities, PANS/PANDAS, etc. and it often presents like debilitating treatment-resistant depression, panic attacks that may last longer than 20 minutes, bipolar disorder, OCD, psychosis, seizures, and tremors, plus many more physical symptoms.
If you are looking for a therapist who has first-hand experience with the suffering, treatment phases, and impacts Lyme can have on every facet of life, I invite you to contact me for a consultation. I am here to offer compassion, hope, support, and to act as a guide to healing the medical trauma.
If you suffer from Lyme disease and it’s co-infections, I provide an attuned and safe space for you to explore and discover through body, mind, and soul, what is needed to aid and support your healing journey. Sometimes sessions will be dealing with managing the here-and-now challenges each moment brings, sometimes it will be healing deeper historical/childhood trauma.
Our suffering is our teacher, be kind to her and greet her with compassion.